Payment Method Policies

Payment Method Information:

All payment methods listed in your account must belong to the registered Sideshow account holder. The payment method information must be current and valid. The billing address in your account must match the billing address associated with the payment method. Anything other than the above looks super shady, so make sure you appear to be the fine, upstanding collector you are and don't violate those rules!

Updating Your Payment or Contact Information

For detailed information on adding, editing, deleting, and updating payment methods in your account, please visit the Managing Payment Methods article.

For detailed information on adding, editing, deleting, and updating address information, please visit the Managing Addresses article. 

Second-Party Payment Methods

For fraud protection purposes, the payment method registered in the user account must belong to the  registered Sideshow account holder. If you need to use a second-party payment method and also a second-party billing/shipping address, we suggest that you have the second party create their own online user account and order the product for you. (And, of course, that you pay them back and thank them profusely. Maybe by buying them another cool Sideshow item?)

Payment methods cannot be registered in multiple accounts; doing so may lead to account closure.

To help keep you and your account secure, we can only accept a second-party payment method if we receive an official authorization form completed by the actual cardholder. 


When is My Payment Method Charged?

Pre-Orders: You are billed when the product becomes available to ship, though any Non-Refundable Deposit (NRD) due is charged immediately when you complete checkout. 

In-Stock Items: We will attempt to charge your payment method immediately for all in-stock items. 

How Will I Know If My Payment Method is Declined?

In-Stock Items: When a payment method declines, you will see a pop-up message with steps on how to resolve the issue.

Pre-Orders: When a payment method declines, we will notify you via e-mail. Sideshow will automatically attempt to re-process the payment 2 business days from the decline. You also have the option to re-process the payment prior to this date, which you can request in your online account.

If payment declines on the second attempt, the order will be automatically canceled. You will receive a cancellation notification via e-mail, and any non-refundable deposit (NRD) processed will act as the cancellation fee. 

Re-Processing Payments

Sideshow will automatically re-process declined payments 2 business days from the decline date. It is your responsibility to ensure funds are available or to update the payment method prior to the date the payment will be re-processed, otherwise you won't be getting your stuff! Sideshow is not responsible for bank fees or overdrafts assessed due to additional attempts to process the payment method.


Some customers may see a $1.00 authorization on their card statement from "RCH-Sideshow." This pre-authorization you are seeing is the result of account maintenance. Our processor will occasionally initiate these pre-authorizations in order to ensure that the form of payment on file is valid.

Rest assured, your form of payment is not being charged this fee and any pre-authorizations showing on your account will fall off in 1-2 business days. Please contact us for assistance if the authorization still appears after that time.

Restricted Territories

Due to certain contractual agreements and other circumstances, Sideshow is restricted from billing or delivering to the following specific territories:




























Any orders that are placed with a billing address in one of these territories will need to utilize a new payment method that bills to a non-restricted territory. Otherwise, the order will be canceled.

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